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Drawing Core Technique – Drawing things and characters can be a unique and rewarding hobby. It can be started inexpensively. If you decide to draw something at this point, you can start right away without visiting a hobby store. All you require to enjoy drawing is a pencil and a piece of paper that most households have available readily. We Will Learn – Core Technique, Drawing Core, Smooth Curves, Move The Pencil, etc.

But do not expect your creation will match the work of professionals at the outset. Because there is a learning curve, and you will require to go through that. But it is not as lengthy as you might think at this point. If you can hold a pencil to write letters of the English alphabet or any other language for that matter, you can create a beautiful drawing over time.
And in this article, I will show you ways to learn to produce good drawings in the shortest possible period.
Learn to smooth curves first: Whatever thing you want to draw, you will draw a series of lines, both straight and curvy. If you are weak in drawing straight lines freehand, you can take the help of rulers, but you must teach yourself how to draw smooth curves. Next, I will share two techniques of curvy line drawing that will take to the next level of drawing mastery fast.
- Use your arm to draw the curves. Usually, when we write, we rest our wrist on the paper and move the pencil using finger movements. But to draw curve lines, do not do that; instead, move your whole arm to move the pencil, and also, you should not be resting your hand on paper. Practice this no matter how surprising the method sounds at first. You will soon find that you will feel more in control when drawing.
- While drawing a complex curve, you can draw many quick and light pencil strokes one over another instead of drawing one continuous curve line. This way, you will be able to control the smoothness and direction of the curve with ease. Many professional artists use this technique. The only point to keep in mind, draw the lines light so that you can easily erase the lines once you complete drawing the final curve with the help of these lines.
Now that you have learned the core techniques of drawing smooth curves, you can use these to create as many drawings as your heart desires.
Keep in mind that this article only touches on the essential technique; many more styles can make you a master. So never stop learning new drawing techniques.