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Everyone agrees that preventing a potential problem in advance is better than fixing it in time, especially in reviewing a drawing in a store.
Design experts agree that store-bought paint reviews can be a source of grief and, ultimately, the result. But design experts can make the review process work to their advantage as a way to prevent claims from appearing altogether.
Take, for example, an architect who was hired to draw up plans for the restoration of old wine. Offers include ensuring that the interior complies with the requirements of the area code. By following a few steps, the designer could have prevented the claim.

Unbeknownst to the artist, the contractor changed the width of the stairs leading to the office to minimize an unannounced or expected change as part of the “cleaning” process. Knowing the difference in the stairs, because this was not part of the contract the contractor intended to re-post, the architect stamped the drawings, “Approved.”
When the work was completed, and the local building code representative refused to issue a Residence Certificate, the builder was left wondering why. Are you in trouble? As modified by the contractor and unknowingly approved by the builder, the fewer stairs did not comply with the local fire code. What was the result? Stairs had to be demolished and rebuilt at the expense of the builder.
The artist emphasized that the store drawings were well-designed and the stairs were well designed. Two store drawings have been reviewed and modified. However, the default store drawing was stamped “Allowed.” As a result, the artist was found to be in the legal profession and was forced to pay $ 87,000 to remove the stairs.
What can we take away from this as “lessons learned”? The builder prepared for the problems when the revised drawings were re-submitted by sending the store back to the contractor without notice. Without much attention, the architect responded by reviewing the entire drawing.
Steps to take to avoid drawing disasters in stores:

- Highlight, cloud, or do other writing or writing on drawings that prevent areas that need to be adjusted for re-posting.
- Add language to your stamp that any changes to the store’s drawing should be highlighted, blurred, or recognized by the contractor. Talk to your local counselor about specific word suggestions.
- Export as “rejected” store drawings do not include a contract stamp.
- If the store drawing is different from the contract documents, this should be recorded in the store drawing and returned to the contractor.
- Replace store drawings whenever there is an error, but do not attempt to correct the error.
- Create a review plan for store drawings and other deliveries.
- If the issue is outside the scope of your services, write in the diagram, “Not Updated. Outside the Service Area,” and return the store drawing without delay to the contractor.
- Add language to any redesign revision showing that “Design Professional only updated those cloud-based drawing areas or other descriptions indicating that these were the only areas changed since the original Design Professional’s revision of the drawing. Therefore, any changes made to external locations of the cloud site (or in any other way the designated area) have not been updated. Any such changes in different locations are made without the knowledge or permission of the Design Professional. “
- Set up a quality control system in your office and set priorities in the graphic review process. Claims often arise from direct errors.
- Experienced staff reviewed more complex presentations. Teach employees who have no experience following the methods you use.
- Keep accurate records of documents included, including copies as distributed and returned copies.
Make sure the contract refers to an excellent time to review store drawings. By establishing review guidelines and procedures in your office and applying risk management throughout the review process, the concerns associated with reviewing store drawings can be reduced.