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Doodles are delicious. Doodles are loud. Also, doodles are everywhere. You can see these drawings on various platforms that express different emotions, themes, and problems.

So, if you are thinking of trying your hand at this art form, you should first know how to create doodles before using drawings in the best way. In this beginner’s guide, you will learn all about doodling. There they are!
For some, creating a doodle can be intimidating even if they are not artistic people and not at all artists. However, the fact is that anyone can create doodles. It’s easy to draw.
There are no set rules for beauty here. Plus, even if you don’t have artistic talent, you can still try your hand out with your unique doodles. How? Let’s start with the basics.

What is Doodling?
They were initially drawing means ‘to draw, to draw or to write with nothing.’ Generally, doodling is a profession that people take for granted when they cannot pay attention to something.
For example, you are sitting in a meeting, and you are bored. After that, you start writing in different shapes and patterns on paper. That’s a doodle. This is why doodles are simple random drawings with mysterious contexts.
I am a Doodle Designer
But if you listen to someone, you can make information doodles, such as some records you can visit later. Therefore, while doodling is the result of some boredom, it is also helpful when done wisely.
Why Create Doodles?
Most people do not see the doodles in the right light. This art has also gained a bad reputation and a bad image in the workplace and the schools.
Company executives and schoolteachers think that you are rebellious, unproductive, and lazy when you draw a doodle. That, of course, is a misconception of this popular art. (How To Doodle)
Some studies have shown the health benefits of doodles. According to research, doodles help you improve memory and better manage your stress. Students can stay awake using doodling when they have stopped loving the lessons.
One of the benefits of doodle painting is that even people with non-artistic backgrounds can do the job. They can start drawing simple math and then continue to build more complex ones quickly later. However, it would help if you did this art to achieve a certain perfection.
All you need to do is have a basic idea of the conditions and lines. Once you have these basics, you are ready to create your doodles. With more practice, you will eventually become the master of this art.
Here are some of the Benefits of Doodling
Improve Your Memory
Numerous studies have shown that doodling activity helps greatly improve memory. In one such study, the group that included the printed status while listening to the call could recall 29% more detail compared to the other groups.
- It Helps You Relax
You are free from any stress when you do a doodle, which is an automatic drawing. Doodling activity activates the brain’s ability to experience past experiences and bring them into the present.
This helps us to create a complete picture of our lives, which makes us feel at ease. We get a great sense of meaning and relaxation.
The standard view of doodling recreation is a rhythmic movement and repetition involved, which relaxes the senses. This activity is an inadequate response to our body’s sense of combat or flight and helps to reduce the stress hormone. (How To Doodle)
Open Your Intelligence
Doodling is not just relaxation; it is a creative activity. You can develop your creativity even if you are not a professional artist.
Sometimes, artists who suffer from the creative block can activate their brains by doing doodling. This sometimes causes the brain to come up with new ideas.
What Things do you need to Start with?
Unlike other arts, doodling is very expensive to follow. You do not have to spend a lot of money buying the basics to start working on this type of art. You can start with what you have on your desk.
Here’s What You Need
Pens And Pencils
Just take any pen or pencil and start creating doodles according to your imagination. When choosing pencils, however, select graphite art pencils for professional doodling.
A soft HB pencil is excellent as you can easily erase it to make quick changes to the drawing.
Ink Fixed Pen
You will also need an ink pen to outline your drawing. These ink pens come in a variety of tips. So, choose what suits your picture and the character you are doing. You will also need a pen to hide your doodle drawing.
Color Pencils
Color pencils are part of doodling when you want to make colorful doodles. These pencils help you give different colors to your characters and enhance their personality according to your imagination.
Washable Mark Packs
Unwashed markers packs are your unique way of coloring pencils. As long as you don’t like using colored pencils, you can choose to have markers add colors to your doodle characters.
Paper Skate Sheet
It would help if you also looked for ways to organize your work so that you can return to your appointment to check it out or get inspired.
So, make sure you have a drawing book or drawing book. Consider having a drawing pad if you like to draw on the go.
Drawing Pad Drawing
If you like to draw on the go, you will need a portable brochure.
How can you get Started while learning the art of Doodling?
One of the critical features of the doodles is that they are very well made with line and line. If you focus on your artistic endeavors on these two foundations, you are on the path to perfection.
When it comes to situations, you should consider the basic structure. You do not have to look far to see that. As you know the truth, geometric shapes in doodles are not perfect.
They are drawn by hand, so there is no good posture when creating art. You need to pay attention to three basic types. These are:
- Square and rectangle
- Circles and Oval
- Triangles
This list is concise, but you can add more to this list.
Visual Alphabets
You should pay attention to the basic situation as you can create many doods with their help. Please take note of visual characters and learn how to draw them. These visible alphabets are point, line, arc, loop, angle, triangle, rectangle, square, house, cloud, oval, and eye.
We call it basics because you can create different situations by using them in different ways. You can immerse these conditions into a completely new environment. Therefore, these situations can serve as a guide for creating more problems.
So, you have a lot of situations around you that you need to be aware of and use. Things like basketball, compass, donut, clock, and more come to the circle. That is a simple matter.
But if you look at other things, they have more than one condition. For example, ice cream is a triangular structure, a vertical triangle. But on top of that, it has a pile of round ice cream.
Similarly, if you want to build a simple house doodle, you will see two scenarios. The first is a square-shaped building, and the second is a roof, which is very triangular.
Complex Situations
However, some species are more straightforward and more complex. For example, a lampshade doodle. Part of it is rectangular, and the other part is in a small rectangular shape. The base has two forms, oval and rectangular.
However, how many shapes you will see in an object depends only on you and breaking down those shapes. The important thing here is that you can draw those primary conditions.
You have to practice it over and over again to create doodle drawings. Later, you will develop the habit of seeing different situations in the environment. You will also need to see the complex lines.
Refine Basic Conditions
The next step is to think of ways to change the basic situation. When you see a light bulb, it is not the right situation. It can be a quadrilateral state, and there may be separate sides.
But if you are doing a doodle, start by simplifying the process. You can start drawing it as a simple rectangular shape that is usually easy to make. The key is to break down complex structures into more simple doodles.
To create the doodles, you need a pencil, a black pen, and an eraser. So, all you have to do is start drawing a regular and straightforward rectangle to create a lamppost doodle.
To draw a rectangular shape quickly, the trick is to look at the space between the endpoint of your dial line and the top corner of your rectangle. Both sides have the same distance when seen between two points. You have to learn to draw other types.
Doodle Style
Next, you need to learn how to style your doodles. You have to give some art to the art. There are many ways to add style. When we talk about fashion, we mean adding patterns, ornaments, shading, shadows and changing the width of the line, etc.
What are the Primary Considerations of Making Doodles?
Slightly Warm
Before you start work on your doodle theme, you should make some warm-up drawings to stimulate your artistic muscles.
Take a blank piece of paper and draw some lines freely for about 10 minutes. Do whatever you want to do with those lines and randomly drawn situations as part of the task. (How To Doodle)
Work in Basic Conditions
Don’t worry about the details when you first see it. It would help if you focused on the basics only. For example, a book is rectangular; a flower is a circle while its stem is two parallel lines.
Similarly, if you look at an ice cream cone, you see it as a vertical triangle. After that, see if there is a circle in the form of ice cream on top. Start by looking at such a structure first in an object.
Draw Size Variation Lines
You may not have all those pens of different sizes of nibs in the beginning. However, keep in mind that your doodle lines should vary in size.
This means you should try to have a good collection of different sizes of nibs. After that, you can create other lines. The professional way to outline is to keep the details small and accurate.
Find Dedicated Workspace
As you aspire to be a doodle artist, you should make sure you have a unique place at home or wherever you will work on your art.
In such an environment, your mind is likely to wake up when you are alone, and your mind is open and ready to come up with new ideas. (How To Doodle)
Don’t Worry About Perfection
Doodle art is about engaging in other leisure activities, even if you have to be a paid artist. However, doing doodling is one art when perfection is not the goal.
On the contrary, let your art flow freely. If you have a style, stick to it and don’t change it to make your doodle look something else.
Get Inspired
Inspiration is the key to doing something different that can emerge. You have to think about getting inspiration from your environment.
See things around you, and you can get ideas for making a doodle. The intended look of nature and people can give you different perspectives.
Or, sometimes, random drawing works well. You may find that you have come up with some interesting drawings. You don’t have to wait for inspiration, as doodling comes naturally as you look for inspiring ideas.
Freely Associate With Other Things
While doing doodling, do not limit yourself to building a single figure. The best solution is to break your fears or problems into a series of smaller steps. For example, if you wrap a flower, then bring your best friend to that drawing frame.
After that, you can re-draw some of your people, whoever gets into your head at that moment.
So, try to draw many characters without overthinking their personality. Just do it from time to time, and it will still create a story. (How To Doodle)
Use a Variety of Objects
To make doodling attractive and attractive, draw most of the shapes on that frame. Bring a rectangle, circle, circle, and various other forms to make the drawing look attractive.
Doodle What You See and Hear
You can do whatever you see. Just start drawing those figures in your style and style on paper. It can be the face, the flowers, the leaves, the garden, and everything around you.
Doodle and what you feel. You can download a song that makes you think about something. If you hear two people talking, draw a picture of what you find in their conversations.
Experiment With Different Features
Once you’re done building your doodles, now is the time to look around and see what items you like. See the animals, buildings, trees, people, and more things around your area.
They can be the theme of your doodles. Even your thoughts are the most beautiful green stuff. People can easily understand them.
Afterward, share your doodles with peers and social media for feedback and appreciation. If you are an expert in this art, you can also write a good job.
So, this is a guide you can follow while making your doodles. This creative work is undoubtedly inclusive and accessible. However, it would help if you kept the Foundations in mind.