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A poppy is probably one the most flamboyant flowering plants in the world. Due to its bold red color and because it grows in groups, the showy poppy can be seen from hundreds of feet, even miles, away.
Poppies are also white, pink, yellow, orange, or blue in color. Learn how to draw this poppy. In this section, we’ll show you how to draw the above poppy. You can draw this flower freehand while looking at your computer monitor or print out this page to get a closer look at each step.
Follow the red lines in each illustration to learn exactly what to draw in that step. The lines drawn in previous steps are shown in gray. Here, we’ll show you an illustration of each step and then give you a description of how to draw it.

Step 2: Sketch roughly triangular petals using wavy lines. Draw an arc shape for the center of the flower. Outline the bud and show petals by drawing a wavy, Y-shaped line. Draw in a second line for each stem.
Step 3: Draw the petals more carefully using wavy lines to suggest ruffled edges. Add two inner petals as shown. With curving lines, draw leaf shapes with deep notches in the edges.
Step 4: Define the center of the flower with several inverted V-shaped lines. Above them, draw a row of tiny ovals. Draw the two stems, making the sides as smooth as possible. In the right-hand leaf, draw veins with inches, using curved double lines. You can see only the sides of the other two leaves, so draw veins from the smooth line to the irregular line.
Step 5: Add many small dots and short lines to the center of the flower. Shade the edges of all the petals and leaves using short lines. Vary the length of the lines. Shade the bottoms of the flower and bud. Use very short lines to shade one side of each stem.
Add a few small spikes at the top of each stem with short, V-shaped lines. Take a bow. Your poppy drawing is complete! Let’s move on to yet another show-stopper — the gorgeous, golden yellow, daffodil.
Continue to the next section to learn how to draw a daffodil.